- The Capital is:
- Porto-Novo
- The population number is:
- 9,598,787
- Land Area
- 112622 km2
- The country is located in the continent:
- Africa
- The language is:
- fr
15 countries are coming:- Togo
The distance is: 204- Ghana
The distance is: 495- Burkina Faso
The distance is: 604- Nigeria
The distance is: 632- Cote d'Ivoire
The distance is: 813- Niger
The distance is: 953- Mali
The distance is: 1,072- Sao Tome and Principe
The distance is: 1,080- Cameroon
The distance is: 1,141- Equatorial Guinea
The distance is: 1,194- Liberia
The distance is: 1,335- Guinea
The distance is: 1,349- Sierra Leone
The distance is: 1,513- Gabon
The distance is: 1,570- Congo
The distance is: 1,830
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