- The Capital is:
- Berlin
- The population number is:
- 81,305,856
- Land Area
- 357022 km2
- The country is located in the continent:
- Europe
- The language is:
- de
15 countries are coming:- Luxembourg
The distance is: 244- Netherlands
The distance is: 278- Belgium
The distance is: 350- Liechtenstein
The distance is: 416- Switzerland
The distance is: 450- Czech Republic
The distance is: 480- Austria
The distance is: 514- Denmark
The distance is: 559- Slovenia
The distance is: 690- France
The distance is: 757- Poland
The distance is: 768- Slovakia
The distance is: 795- Croatia
The distance is: 807- United Kingdom
The distance is: 814- Monaco
The distance is: 816
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