- The Capital is:
- Addis Ababa
- The population number is:
- 93,815,992
- Land Area
- 1104300 km2
- The country is located in the continent:
- Africa
- The language is:
- am,en,ar,ti,om
15 countries are coming:- Djibouti
The distance is: 671- Kenya
The distance is: 777- Eritrea
The distance is: 785- South Sudan
The distance is: 880- Uganda
The distance is: 1,022- Sudan
The distance is: 1,167- Somalia
The distance is: 1,227- Yemen
The distance is: 1,337- Rwanda
The distance is: 1,421- Burundi
The distance is: 1,555- Tanzania, United Republic of
The distance is: 1,590- Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
The distance is: 1,691- Central African Republic
The distance is: 1,876- Saudi Arabia
The distance is: 2,029- Chad
The distance is: 2,208
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