French Guiana
- The Capital is:
- Cayenne
- The population number is:
- 217,000
- Land Area
- km2
- The country is located in the continent:
- South_and_Central_America
- The language is:
- fr
15 countries are coming:- Suriname
The distance is: 332- Guyana
The distance is: 673- Trinidad and Tobago
The distance is: 1,175- Barbados
The distance is: 1,245- Grenada
The distance is: 1,311- Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
The distance is: 1,366- Saint Lucia
The distance is: 1,403- Martinique
The distance is: 1,473- Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
The distance is: 1,503- Dominica
The distance is: 1,561- Brazil
The distance is: 1,571- Guadeloupe
The distance is: 1,652- Montserrat
The distance is: 1,736- Antigua and Barbuda
The distance is: 1,738- Saint Kitts and Nevis
The distance is: 1,822
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