- The Capital is:
- Tokyo
- The population number is:
- 127,368,088
- Land Area
- 377915 km2
- The country is located in the continent:
- Asia
- The language is:
- ja
15 countries are coming:- Korea, Republic of
The distance is: 944- Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
The distance is: 1,059- Taiwan, Province of China
The distance is: 2,143- Northern Mariana Islands
The distance is: 2,436- Guam
The distance is: 2,593- Hong Kong
The distance is: 2,760- Macao
The distance is: 2,815- Mongolia
The distance is: 2,956- China
The distance is: 2,973- Philippines
The distance is: 3,014- Palau
The distance is: 3,186- Viet Nam
The distance is: 3,704- Russian Federation
The distance is: 3,792- Lao People's Democratic Republic
The distance is: 3,802- Micronesia, Federated States of
The distance is: 3,832
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