- The Capital is:
- Belgrade
- The population number is:
- 7,276,604
- Land Area
- 77474 km2
- The country is located in the continent:
- Europe
- The language is:
- sr
15 countries are coming:- Montenegro
The distance is: 216- Bosnia and Herzegovina
The distance is: 239- Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
The distance is: 254- Bulgaria
The distance is: 340- Hungary
The distance is: 342- Albania
The distance is: 343- Romania
The distance is: 384- Croatia
The distance is: 454- Slovakia
The distance is: 531- Slovenia
The distance is: 539- Greece
The distance is: 561- Italy
The distance is: 671- San Marino
The distance is: 686- Austria
The distance is: 700- Moldova, Republic of
The distance is: 706
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