Syrian Arab Republic
- The Capital is:
- Damascus
- The population number is:
- 22,530,746
- Land Area
- 185180 km2
- The country is located in the continent:
- Asia
- The language is:
- ar
15 countries are coming:- Lebanon
The distance is: 237- Occupied Palestinian Territory
The distance is: 419- Cyprus
The distance is: 455- Jordan
The distance is: 481- Israel
The distance is: 492- Turkey
The distance is: 518- Iraq
The distance is: 595- Armenia
The distance is: 829- Georgia
The distance is: 912- Azerbaijan
The distance is: 1,033- Kuwait
The distance is: 1,126- Egypt
The distance is: 1,169- Saudi Arabia
The distance is: 1,298- Iran, Islamic Republic of
The distance is: 1,427- Bulgaria
The distance is: 1,429
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