- The Capital is:
- Dhaka
- The population number is:
- 161,083,804
- Land Area
- 143998 km2
- The country is located in the continent:
- Asia
- The language is:
- bn
15 countries are coming:- Bhutan
The distance is: 392- Nepal
The distance is: 745- Myanmar
The distance is: 847- India
The distance is: 1,410- Thailand
The distance is: 1,447- Lao People's Democratic Republic
The distance is: 1,691- China
The distance is: 1,892- Cambodia
The distance is: 1,995- Viet Nam
The distance is: 2,052- Pakistan
The distance is: 2,085- Sri Lanka
The distance is: 2,118- Kyrgyzstan
The distance is: 2,347- Macao
The distance is: 2,413- Tajikistan
The distance is: 2,443- Hong Kong
The distance is: 2,474
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