
The Capital is:
Phnom Penh
The population number is:
Land Area
181035 km2
The country is located in the continent:
The language is:
  • 15 countries are coming:
    1. Viet Nam
    2. The distance is: 465
    3. Lao People's Democratic Republic
    4. The distance is: 555
    5. Thailand
    6. The distance is: 583
    7. Myanmar
    8. The distance is: 1,244
    9. Singapore
    10. The distance is: 1,299
    11. Macao
    12. The distance is: 1,362
    13. Hong Kong
    14. The distance is: 1,412
    15. Brunei Darussalam
    16. The distance is: 1,420
    17. Malaysia
    18. The distance is: 1,428
    19. Philippines
    20. The distance is: 1,840
    21. Bangladesh
    22. The distance is: 1,995
    23. Taiwan, Province of China
    24. The distance is: 2,049
    25. Bhutan
    26. The distance is: 2,205
    27. China
    28. The distance is: 2,444
    29. Indonesia
    30. The distance is: 2,596
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