- The Capital is:
- Tallinn
- The population number is:
- 1,274,709
- Land Area
- 45228 km2
- The country is located in the continent:
- Europe
- The language is:
- et
15 countries are coming:- Latvia
The distance is: 229- Lithuania
The distance is: 354- Aland Islands
The distance is: 364- Finland
The distance is: 555- Belarus
The distance is: 678- Sweden
The distance is: 686- Poland
The distance is: 863- Norway
The distance is: 933- Denmark
The distance is: 1,008- Ukraine
The distance is: 1,177- Slovakia
The distance is: 1,223- Czech Republic
The distance is: 1,229- Moldova, Republic of
The distance is: 1,348- Hungary
The distance is: 1,391- Germany
The distance is: 1,394
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