- The Capital is:
- Male
- The population number is:
- 394,451
- Land Area
- 298 km2
- The country is located in the continent:
- Asia
- The language is:
- dv
15 countries are coming:- Sri Lanka
The distance is: 978- British Indian Ocean Territory
The distance is: 1,041- India
The distance is: 1,911- Seychelles
The distance is: 2,112- Oman
The distance is: 2,623- Somalia
The distance is: 2,751- Bangladesh
The distance is: 2,939- Nepal
The distance is: 2,987- Pakistan
The distance is: 2,989- Yemen
The distance is: 3,032- United Arab Emirates
The distance is: 3,077- Mauritius
The distance is: 3,110- Cocos (Keeling) Islands
The distance is: 3,160- Thailand
The distance is: 3,231- Bhutan
The distance is: 3,272
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