
The Capital is:
The population number is:
Land Area
406752 km2
The country is located in the continent:
The language is:
  • 15 countries are coming:
    1. Bolivia, Plurinational State of
    2. The distance is: 988
    3. Uruguay
    4. The distance is: 1,128
    5. Argentina
    6. The distance is: 1,354
    7. Brazil
    8. The distance is: 1,479
    9. Chile
    10. The distance is: 1,507
    11. Peru
    12. The distance is: 2,396
    13. Suriname
    14. The distance is: 3,008
    15. French Guiana
    16. The distance is: 3,049
    17. Guyana
    18. The distance is: 3,113
    19. Ecuador
    20. The distance is: 3,140
    21. Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
    22. The distance is: 3,195
    23. Colombia
    24. The distance is: 3,362
    25. Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
    26. The distance is: 3,553
    27. Trinidad and Tobago
    28. The distance is: 3,792
    29. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
    30. The distance is: 3,911
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